NationBuilder Everyday Leaders Crystal Feliciano

Crystal Feliciano

Trenton, NJ, USA

Crystal is a Top #EverydayLeader of 2020 for her work as an educator, advocate, and community leader in Trenton, New Jersey during the pandemic.

“Leadership to me is action. It's action beyond the words. Anyone can be in a lead position, and not [be] an effective leader. So it's taking that title and working it to the best of your ability to bless as many people as you possibly can. And to me, one sign of an excellent leader is a person that can create other leaders to take over and sustain whatever it is that has been built to keep moving forward. That, to me, is true leadership.”

“The one thing I've learned is: you don't have to sit in a certain seat to make a power move. You can look and dig deep inside—if you have it in you, all you have to do is bring it out… Move, and the rest will fall with you, right in line.”

— Crystal Feliciano

Nominated by Kadja Manuel:

“Not only is Crystal an educator in the schools, she’s an educator and community advocate outside of the schools… [She] has given away over 200 pairs of sneakers to youth in need, and has been helping feed the homeless community here as well as look for permanent solutions to such issues in town. And she did all of it while being a single mother. She’s the true definition of a super mom, and an engaged citizen.” 

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